Isofol Medical AB’s (publ) Nomination Committee proposes New Chair of the Board

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, April 8, 2022 – The Nomination Committee of Isofol Medical AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: ISOFOL), proposes that Jan Törnell is elected Chair of the Board of Directors of the company at the Annual General Meeting on May 19, 2022. The current Chair Pär-Ola Mannefred has declined re-election.

Jan Törnell has many years of experience from the international pharmaceutical industry, having served as Vice President of Global Strategy at AstraZeneca Oncology & Infection, among other roles. He currently consults in different pharmaceutical projects and serves on several boards in the life science sector. Jan Törnell is a M.D. and holds a Ph.D. in physiology from the University of Gothenburg.

– We are very pleased to propose Jan Törnell as Chairman of the Board of Isofol. His knowledge and experience will be of great value as Isofol continues its development from a pre-commercial to a commercial company, said Malin Björkmo, Chair of Isofol’s Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee’s members are Malin Björkmo, chairman of the nomination committee, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder; Lars Lind, appointed by Hans Enocson; Ulrik Grönvall, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder; Mats-Ola Palm, appointed by approximately 12 percent of the votes; and Pär-Ola Mannefred, Chairman of the Board.

The Nomination Committee’s complete proposal will be presented in the notice to the Annual General Meeting, which will be made public in the middle of April 2022.

For further information, please contact

Isofol Medical AB (publ)
Malin Björkmo, Chair of the Nomination Committee

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 15:30 CEST on April 8, 2022.

About Isofol Medical AB (publ)

Isofol Medical AB (publ) is a clinical stage biotech company developing arfolitixorin to improve the efficacy of standard of care chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer by increasing tumor response and progression free survival. Isofol holds a worldwide exclusive license agreement with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany to develop and commercialize arfolitixorin for oncology indications. Isofol Medical AB (publ) is traded on the Nasdaq Stockholm.

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