Nomination Committee

The duties of the Nomination Committee include preparing and drafting of proposals for election and remuneration to the Chairman of the Board, members of the Board of Directors, committee members and auditors, the most recently proposed by the Audit Committee. The members of the Nomination Committee must safeguard the interests of all shareholders and not unduly disclose what has occurred in the Nomination Committee’s work. The Chairman of the Board or any other Board member shall not chair the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee meets if necessary, but at least once a year. The term of office for the appointed nomination committee shall run until a new nomination committee is appointed.

At least six months before the AGM, the members of the Nomination Committee shall be announced on Isofol’s website.

In accordance with the principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee of Isofol Medical AB (publ) adopted at the Annual General Meeting 2024, the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025 shall consist of  three members of representatives appointed by the three largest shareholders in the company for the number of votes at September 30, 2024. Another nomination committee member may be appointed by minority shareholders representing at least 10 percent of the votes based on the share register provided by Euroclear Sweden AB or other reliable information. 

The term of office for the nomination committee shall run until a new nomination committee is appointed.

The nomination committee ahead of the AGM 2025 consists of the following members:

  • Christian Haglund, representing approximately 4.73 percent of the shares and votes,
  • Göran Gustafsson, representing approximately 3.74 percent of the shares and votes,
  • Johan Möller, chairman of the nomination committee, appointed by Mats Franzén representing approximately 3.69 percent of the shares and votes, and
  • Lars Lind, representatives of minority owners representing about 16.80 percent of the shares and votes

The members of the nomination committee are appointed by owners who represent a total of about 28.96 percent of the total number of shares and votes in Isofol Medical AB (publ) according to the ownership conditions as of September 30, 2024.

Any proposals must be received by the nomination committee no later than February 28, 2025, to be included in the notice and agenda for the Annual General Meeting 2025. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do so by sending an e-mail to (heading: “Isofol’s Nomination Committee”) or by letter at address:.

Isofol Medical AB (publ)
Att. Valberedningen
Arvid Wallgrens Backe 20
413 46 Göteborg


  Principles for the appointment of the nomination committee for the 2025 AGM, adopted by the 2024 AGM (Swedish) >>

Last updated 11-25-2024

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